• Survey Results: Impact of increased cost of living (inflation) on pay

Survey Results: Impact of increased cost of living (inflation) on pay

Please find enclosed the results from our survey about "Impact of increased cost of living (inflation) on pay". This survey has been designed in co-creation with people from this network (see earlier discussions in CBMN).

Close to 200 people from this group and the reward community of Rumbold have participated. THANKS!

We focused on the qualitative side of how to approach the current situation of talent shortage and high inflation levels.

The outcome may contain surprises for some, for others it may be confirmation for steps taken so far. In both cases supporting course of action in this process, which is good. The consolidated findings will validate some directions chosen and help underpin them with data and narrative needed for further deployment.

Thank you for participating and sharing valuable insights. Highly appreciated!

In case you have further questions, please use comment sections to this post so all can benefit from the discussion.

Special thanks to Gies Janssen, Frank Vandewal, Simin Ghadrdani, Alina Diana Oprea, Bettina Kaemmerer and Orhun Dirilgen for getting this all done!
